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Recreational Dock
Owner Society

Join us and empower recreational property dock owners by advocating together for fair foreshore rights.


In anticipation of legal advice and a legal fund required by RDOS in waterfront license negotiations with the VFPA, RDOS has created this Go Fund Me page to raise funds to defend our rights as recreational dock owners.

Visit the Go Fund Me Campaign

We would respectfully ask for donations of $500 from all impacted property owners, but any amount below or above this suggested donation is much appreciated. Your support is critical as we move to a stage of direct communication on RDOS member concerns with the VFPA proposed waterfront license language. Visit the Go Fund Me campaign today and help us negotiate fair and equitable agreements for our members.


The Recreational Dock Owner Society (RDOS) was created due to the egregious new foreshore licenses proposed by the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority jurisdiction (VFPA).  


We are a volunteer organization  working to ensure that all waterfront property owners collectively within the VFPA have a voice for fair and equitable foreshore license agreements to protect the usage and value of their land for generations to come.

June 6th Update:
Download the latest RDOS Community Communication.


Get up to speed on the latest updates from the Port and our legal representation.
Missed our Town Hall Meetings? Click here to review the presentation.



Key Focus Areas of RDOS






RDOS aims to bring about positive change, protect rights, or address issues of concern to recreational dock owners in the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority jurisdiction by raising awareness, mobilizing support, and seeking solutions through various channels such as lobbying, campaigning, or public education.


RDOS aims to break down the complexity of proposed dock licenses, so everyone can grasp what's being communicated without getting overwhelmed by jargon. We want agreements that make sense to everyone.


Ensuring that all parties involved in dock negotiations are treated justly and equitably, with their interests and rights taken into consideration. RDOS aims to create transparent and balanced terms that result in mutually satisfactory outcomes for everyone involved.


Joining RDOS builds a groundswell of those impacted, as we coordinate legal representation, and share costs as a group of dock owners collectively, prior to finalizing any proposed dock agreements with the VFPA. We are more powerful negotiating together as a group of owners.

MARCH 2023

VFPA Sends Proposed License Agreements

Vancouver Fraser Port Authority Sends New Proposed Licensing Agreement

Port sends proposed license agreements. (Most license holders have signed 1996 license agreements although of approx. 500 waterfront homes some have no license).

APRIL 2023

ARC is Formed

Alderside Residents Committee is Formed

ARC communicates with residents of Port Moody and surrounding areas.

JULY 2023

ARC Hosts Townhall

Alderside Residents Committee Hosts Townhall, Invites VFPA. VFPA Declines Invite.

Alderside Residents Committee invites Jennifer Natland and some other Vancouver Fraser Port Authority reps to attend. Invitation declined by VFPA, 65 in attendance.


Recreational Dock Owner
Proposed License Issues


  1. Licenses are issued for a 10 year period with only one subsequent 10 year license renewal.

  2. Fee increase by a factor 15X will be imposed starting 2025

  3. Cancellation of license without cause

  4. No grandfathering of license to new property owners in the event of a sale of the upland property

  5. Removal of boathouse and ramp structures prior to the sale of the upland property

  6. Lack of consultation with affected stakeholders by VFPA and being dismissive to our concerns

  7. No compensation for the constructive expropriation of waterfront property value


  1. Actively driving membership

  2. Raising funds for member group legal defense

  3. Informing stakeholders regularly of any new updates that may affect them.


VFPA Zoom Meeting Announced

Vancouver Fraser Port Authority Announces Zoom Meeting, Invites 21 Stakeholders

VFPA announces they will host a zoom meeting to address the concerns people have. They invite 21 attendees.


ARC Rallies Affected
Property Owners

Campaign to Rally Affected Property Owners

ARC distributes notices dock to dock and door to door, to over 200 concerned property owners in the VFPA jurisdiction.


200+ Attend VFPA Zoom Meeting

ARC Campaign Boosts Attendance from 21 to 200+

Due to ARC distribution notices, over 200 attendees on call confirmed by moderator Pam Ryan. The resulting zoom meeting is summarized in that some of the issues with a heavily moderated call were addressed, however many primary concerns were not. Link to meeting.


VFPA Promises Answers to Questions Asked

VFPA Assures Meeting Participants Answers to Questions Asked

Response received late September 2023, with a written transcript of the meeting that occurred with a recorded video was received. No other communication surrounding answers to questions was provided. Link to transcript.

Indian Arm.jpeg

Join Us Today

The time is now for us to work together to get fair foreshore rights for all our recreational dock property owner members.
$20 Annual Fee Member Benefits:
  • Advocacy / Representing your concerns to decision making authorities.

  • Clarity / Making things make sense for our membership, keeping you informed.

  • Fairness / Raising our voice to advocate for our members to be treated justly and equitably.

  • Legal / Working together to achieve group representation to benefit us all collaboratively.


With road access, without road access, off grid or grid tied, 
if you own a home with a waterfront dock, your dock's future concerns you.


APRIL 2024

RDOS Hosts Townhall Information Sessions

RDOS Hosted Townhalls

Two online townhall events were hosted to inform recreational dock owners of the matters at hand. Missed the townhalls? Click here to view the presentation.

MAY 2024

VFPA invites RDOS to Present the Concerns of Affected Homeowners

VFPA Invites RDOS to Present Concerns

Incoming VFPA CEO, Peter Xotta has agreed to potentially negotiate on the proposed waterfront license agreements and has asked RDOS to submit proposed amendments to the contentious points within the proposed licenses. RDOS begins to collect affected homeowner feedback. Click here to view the RDOS communication update.

JUNE 2024

RDOS Announces Stewardship Role

RDOS Announces Stewardship Role to Support Waterfront Communities

As Waterfront Property Owners we take on the unofficial role of Stewards and monitors of activities on the water in Burrard Inlet within range of our properties. Review the prepared list of just some of the many situations where we provide assistance and ongoing community support.

JUNE 2024

RDOS Launches a Go Fund Me Campaign to Fund Legal Representation for Members

RDOS Launches Campaign to Raise Funds for Legal Representation/Negotiations

In anticipation of legal advice and a legal fund required by RDOS in waterfront license negotiations with the VFPA, RDOS has created this Go Fund Me campaign to raise funds to defend our rights as recreational dock owners.  Visit the Go Fund Me Campaign and help us help you.

Port Moody


Indian Arm / North Vancouver

Indian Arm / Metro Vancouver Electoral Area A

North Vancouver

West Vancouver

Fraser River to Mission Bridge

Join Us Today
The time is now for us to work together to get fair foreshore rights for all our recreational dock owner members.
$20 Annual Fee Member Benefits:
  • Advocacy / Representing your concerns to decision making authorities.

  • Clarity / Making things make sense for our membership, keeping you informed.

  • Fairness / Raising our voice to ensure our members are treated justly and equitably.

  • Legal / Working together to achieve group representation to benefit us all collaboratively.


RDOS Engages Legal Representation

RDOS Hires Legal Representation and Informs VFPA

Letter sent to VFPA to let the Port Authority know RDOS has engaged representation and requests they issue communications sent to members, to legal counsel as well.


Recreational Dock Owner Proposed Licensing


If you're a new dock owner or the owner of a recreational property dock that has been in the family for generations, catch up on the timeline of events that are impacting your dock's future.


ARC Forms Residential Dock Owner Society (RDOS)

ARC forms RDOS to Ensure All Concerned Property Owners are Included

ARC forms a society,  the "Recreational Dock Owner Society" (RDOS) and is actively driving membership to coordinate a single entity to be represented in this matter.


Meet Our Volunteer Driven Team 

JULY 2024

RDOS Issues Membership Call to Action Request

RDOS Issues Membership Call to Action Request

A group of volunteers working tirelessly on everyone’s behalf to ensure we have an equitable license agreement for our encroachments in the VFPA jurisdiction. You can do your part in supporting our efforts by joining the RDOS. Click here and join RDOS today!

JULY 2024

RDOS Legal Negotiations Update with VFPA

RDOS Membership Update on Key Issues in Legal Negotiations

The Vancouver Fraser Port Authority (VFPA) asked through our lawyer for a list of key concerns with the current proposed License. Click here to review the summarized the key issues presented.

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